Ets HaShalom - עץ השלום - Tree of HaShalom
This platform exhibits various sources prophesying that Israel (ישראל), will be named ‘Ets HaShalom, ‘עץ השלום,’ ‘Tree of HaShalom.’ According to the Talmud in Shabbat 10b, “HaShalom,” is one of God’s names; HaShalom connotes ‘The Completion’ or ‘The Peace.’
Unfortunately, some theological scholars have misinterpreted this event as the “destruction of Israel,” when in fact, Jerusalem’s border will expand and replace Israel’s border.
Nonetheless, concurrently, Jerusalem’s name will be changed to ‘Ir HaShalom,’ ‘עיר השלום,’ ‘City of HaShalom.’
“Kingdom of God”
Global Rulership? Kaliphate (خِلَافَةْ, khilafah)
Global Harmony
The 72 platforms elaborate on various prophecies to attain and maintain global harmony. For instance, based on the ‘Seven Branch’ notion, the platform ‘Difarmament’ elaborates on Isaiah 2:4, “And they shall beat their swords into plowshares,” which will eventually end all armed conflicts.
Gematria (Numerical Value)
541: 5+4+1=10
The first 10 letters of Torah in Bereshit, “בראשית ברא א” ‘At the beginning created Alef’ have a total ordinal Gematria of 100, and an achas beta gematria of 541. At the same time, the 100th “prime number” and the 10th “star number” are 541 (the 7th star prime).
Prophecy of Bamidbar 24:17
דרך כוכב מיעקב וקם שבט מישראל
Prophecy of Isaiah 11:1
And there shall come forth a twig out of the trunk — where Gods’ presence is — to generate fruitfulness from its root.
ויצא חטר מגזע יש י ונצר משרשיו יפרה
Prophecy of Isaiah 11:10
On that day, the root — being God’s present, arises as a sign upon His people — thereto shall the nations seek, and its abode shall be honored.
והיה ביום ההוא שרש י שי אשר עמד לנס עמים אליו גוים ידרשו והיתה מנחתו כבוד
A Short Explanation on the Prophecies
In the well-known prophecy of Bilam, the “star” refers to the new name of Jerusalem as elaborated in ‘Ir HaShalom,’ with a standard gematria of 661— the first superstar prime and 8th star prime number — equal to Ester (star). Jacob (יעקב), which is a feminine aspect, originates from the Hebrew root Ekev (עקב), “heel,” or the bottom of a body. In this constellation, Jacob refers to the “Heel” of that “Tree” and the bottom of Earth, respectively.
Indeed, the bottom of Earth, the lowest point of 1414 feet (431 meters) below sea level, is located in Israel. The platform ‘YAM HAKHAIM’ elaborates on the uniqueness of Yam HaMelakh (The Salt Sea), as one of the world’s saltiest bodies of water, with its remarkable microbial life — essential for the wellbeing of humanity (see ‘SOIL MICROBIOME’).
“A sceptre will rise out of Israel” refers to Israel’s role as a trunk of that tree (‘Trunkutility’). In this constellation, the tree is symbolized by the seven pipes of the Menorah, representing the seven continents (‘SEVEN BRANCH’). It commands the Jewish people to light up the world (‘LetmyPeopleLight’).
In this sense, Isaiah affirms the presence of God in Jerusalem (the trunk). He highlights the significance of the root of that trunk, referring to the microbial life of Yam HaMelakh for the flourishing of all the people.
The New Flag
The Secret Code of Redemption (PaCod; פקד)
Today’s Secret (pa)Code of Redemption: Israel Country Code 972
The standard gematria of the combination of the two codes mentioned in the Torah, “PaCod + Pakadeti and YifKod” (“פקד + פקדתי + יפקד”) is 972. That number is today’s Israel Country Code. Given that 972 is ‘Israel’s International Calling Code,’ does this phenomenon suggest God’s Call on the International Community?
Offer on the International Community
Based on hidden layers of the Torah, which likens the globe to a giant tree comprising branches, the platform ‘SEVEN BRANCH’ and ‘TRUNKUTILITY’ elaborate on the proposed opportunity for humankind. While it is a commandment to the Jewish nation to serve as “a light unto the nations,” other people need to accept or reject it. They can not be forced, as per Devarim 19:14.